“We aim to combat and eradicate Transnational Organized Crime”
Thanyani GUMEDE
Senior Officer Police/SARPCCO
The Police Chiefs Sub-committee known as the Southern African Regional Police Chiefs Co-operation Organisation (SARPCCO) is principally responsible for the prevention and combating of Cross-border and Transnational Organised Crimes. SARPCCO was formed in 1995 in Zimbabwe, and has firmly established itself as a benchmark for international police cooperation.
Head of INTERPOL Regional Bureau Harare
News Highlights
Regional Coordinating Committee on Small Arms And Light Weapons Meeting, 29-30 April 2024, Lusaka, Zambia
Technical Task Team comprising of data collection practitioners from the RCC met from 29-30 April, 2024 in Lusaka, Zambia, to review and amend the existing reporting template.