RB Harare on a Team Building Exercise
The INTERPOL Regional Bureau for Southern Africa (RB Harare), on 20 February 2025, embarked on a much anticipated Team Building exercise which took place at Pakanaka Resort located in the outskirts of Harare, the capital city of the Republic of Zimbabwe. The event comprised a series of planned team building activities that were fun and motivational, aimed at planning, promoting communication, problem-solving, and conflict resolution.
“Team building isn't only fun—it's a strategic investment in the team's success. It's about transforming individuals into a cohesive unit that communicates effectively, solves problems creatively, and works toward shared goals” - Mr. Sello MOERANE - Head of RB Harare
RB Harare Staff, ready for an exciting adventure
Paintball was one of fascinating games, in which two teams would try to eliminate opponents by shooting each other with balls of coloured dye. (See who was hit!)
Paintball battle ground was action-packed
It was a beautiful day spiced with countless moments of happy smiles
Divas on the wining side
It was a magical moment of talent showcasing among colleagues, irrespective of gender
“I always enjoy such rare occasions” - HoB
“We don’t need a speedboat, we want to feel how it feels like to peddle our way across the waters” - Divas
Man of the moment was handy sharing fishing skills with his colleagues